Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 2: This is awkward...

This is the second week I have been blogging about school but the third week of school.

So, really waking up at 6am is really not my thing. I do have to wakeup at 6 on days that I have to be at school at 8, and it is really not fun. I just seem to be more productive in the evenings. Maybe my goal should be staying up later instead of getting up earlier...? Never the less, I do think that I am getting a better handle on my time management skills.

I took three more tests this week. I did fine. There was public outcry regarding these exams. The one thing I learned about my colleagues this week is that they are really high anxiety. Several of my professors talked about the number of emails they received prior to the exams and the number of complaints they received after. I have never really been one to complain to professors. What else can you do but try harder next time. We just finished week three, and I expect it to get harder not easier, so just breathe, relax, and try harder. This is advice to myself as much as it is to any other students that might be out there.

We tried a new (new to us) trivia night at the Irish Rover and came in third place. We had been going to The Snug and the best we placed was fifth. The Snug has something like 40 teams and the Rover has something like 9. What can I say at the Rover we are big fish in a small pond and I don’t mind it a bit. We won a $10 bar tab.As a side note: I think one of the hardest/biggest things to learn about time management is learning what is important and making time for it. I know going to a bar with my trivia team may not seem like the best use of my time but I think it is. I was talking with one of my classmates on the bus and I was telling her that while I study in the evenings my husband will come in and say do you want to (fill in various activities)? For the most part I have been saying no. But at some point I am going to watch that movie, I am going to join him on a dog walk, I am going to run to McDonald's to get an ice cream cone, and that is OK! Spending time with my loved ones is important to me, doing fun things that don't involve school and involve reducing my stress are important to me. Sometimes doing absolutely nothing is important to me.

One of my favorite pastimes is reading, the non text book type of books. I finished Midwives, a novel. I know it is in my bio but I haven’t really mentioned that my career goal is to be a midwife. I like to read lots of books about birth, midwives, etc. This book is a novel but was pretty well researched and for all I know could have been based on a real-life story. I have read many memoirs and those stories and this novel are very similar.

As I said last week I joing CUSNA. I was wondering why we don't have a facebook page and was told that we weren't allowed. And because I don't like being told no, I did some sleuthing on my own. I learned that CUSNA is actually able to have a fb page, contrary to what we were told. So exciting. I am not a huge fb fan but think it is pretty vital for our organization and will improve event participation. Which is awesome because most of what we do is volunteer work.

I did do the Jillian Michaels video and it was awesome and hard. I work out pretty regularly but it has been a while since I have gone to an aerobics class. Working out on your own, or running is totally different than these types of cardio workouts. And according to Jillian, if I keep doing them I will have a rockin’ swimsuit ready body in no time. And the weather in Denver was absolutly gorgeous this weekend and I did an outdoor run, woohoo! It has been a while.

In lab I we practiced the head/neck and ears, eye, nose and throat exam. I saw the red light reflex and used an ear scope for the first time. I really enjoy lab.

Perhaps in the future I will write a whole post dedicated to my favorite time wasters. But this weekend my husband said he wanted to get rid of our internet service. This is because he doesn't want to watch TV. To him it is all or nothing. So I said, "just don't watch it." Then we went over the list of shows that we really enjoy and we'll keep watching them. The others, we won't. The list is Breaking Bad, Mad Men, and I watch the Biggest Loser but this will probably be my last season. About 3 hours after this discussion I heard a King of the HIll playing. But I think I might actually stick to the list. We'll see...

We waited too long and did not get reservations for our traditional Le Central Valentine's Day celebration. Which was in some ways relieving; we are tight for $ and I have an exam at 9am the following morning. Nevertheless, I was in a V-Day mood and watched Sleepless in Seattle (and cried) and baked heart-shaped sugar cookies. I hope everyone feels happy and loved this V-day. In addition, if you are able or interested I hope you support any V-Day celebrations in your area. <3

I hope everyone has a great week.

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