Sunday, January 30, 2011


On Friday I went to an untitled event at the Denver Public Library. The theme of the event was pledge. It mostly addressed New Years resolution and ways to make your goals realities. I joined a group that addressed a creative goal - I said mine was my annual Pumpkin Carving Party, and of course, completing work on the house. And though I always want to have a bigger and better party and I want to complete the home renovation what I really want this year is to kick ass in nursing school. And to run my first marathon. But mostly I want to be awesome in school. The number one thing I feel I need to do in order to achieve this goal is be more productive with my time. I know that is totally silly, but I sleep way too much, I sit on my computer way too much, I watch too many movies, I (fill in the blank) too much. My goal this week, and for the nxt 21 days is to wake-up at 6am and start my day. Whether or not I have something due (if I don't have something to do, I typically sleep-in). Sleeping less is number one on my be more productive with my time goal.

As far as I can tell I am currently taking the easiest, semester in nursing school. After this semester, for every semester till graduation we will have 80 hours of clinical assignments in addition to our course work. This semester we only have something like 20. So I should start now!

I am not sure that posting this blog, or attempting to keep-up a blog is the best use of my time. It will give me a chance to share my goals with others, analyze my accomplishments, and of course, to analyze where I have failed to keep up with my goals.

In one year, I will be one year into my nursing degree, and one year away from completing it. Around this time I will also be looking into Masters prgrams. So, what the heck, let the year begin.


  1. I think it's great that you started a blog. You can update it at 6 in the morning and it's a huge part of the whole, "tell the world you're doing it so that it's more likely you'll follow through."

    Congrats on nursing school, too! I have a good friend who's graduating from that same program this May!

    Cheers to you and your Power Year!

  2. awesome! great awareness and goals!!!
